Read the archive Phi Kappa Sigma alumni and chapter news here. These stories are distributed to alumni monthly via our email newsletter.*

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The older we get, the more we need our friends—and the harder it is to keep them

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Looking for Psidelights? Don’t worry, we have you covered!

Have you m

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Thank you to our Honor Roll members!


Thank you to these fine gentlemen listed below in the 2023 Honor Roll for their continued support of Psi Chapter! Because of them, we have been able to not only suppor

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Only 6 months left in this giving year! Get on the Honor Roll now before it’s too late!


Brothers, we only have about 6 months left in our 2023 giving year, which began on 1/1/2023. So, we are reaching out to you with a reminder to donate before the giving year end

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Sam Curry ‘62: I made so many lifetime memories


“Skull house was an all-around house including intramural sports, socials, and some scholastics,” says Sam Curry '62.

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Thank You Spring 2023 Undergraduate Executive Board and Officers


We want to thank our Spring 2023 Undergraduate Board and Officers for their great effort and wish them a good summer break.     Executive Board

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Welcome the newest grads to Alumni Brotherhood! 


It is with great honor that we announce the newest fraternity alums! We reached out to our newest grads

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Throwback to Phi Kappa Sigma in 1983


Source Courtesy of La Vie Check out this blast from the past, all the way back to 1983! Phi Kappa Sigma is featured in Penn State's Yearbook, La

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$15,006,132.46 For the Kids!


The undergraduate chapter took to Instagram to share the success of 2023 THON. Here is what they had to say about their experiences:  "A huge congr

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Throwback to Phi Kappa Sigma in 1992


Source Courtesy of Le Vie 1992.  Check

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